Thursday, April 24, 2008

Global Warming Sketch

the chosen water drop represents the melting earth and some of the factors which are having a contribution towards it,reflect on this water drop.


Koo AC said...

where are the final and steps for the making?

Anonymous said...

Besmehi Taala
dar jahan vakoneshhayeh besyari nesbat beh takhribeh manabe'eh hayat az sooyeh honarmandaneh mokhtalef (f.e Hayao Miyazaki dar "Princess Mononoke") soorat gerefteh ast. amma rahehhal hayi keh barayeh in naboodieh manabe' eraeh shodeand dobareh baeseh naboodieh manabe' mishavand. dar vagheh moshkeleh aslieh ensaneh asreh moderniteh gerayesheh oo beh maaddigerayi(Materialism) hast keh beh oo ejazeh midahad barayeh lezzat bordaneh harcheh bishtar az zendegieh khaki beh takhrib va esrafeh manabe'eh zamin dast zanad. pas raheh halleh mobarezeh ba in takhribeh ahmaghane faghat va faghat doori az maddigari va iman beh parvardegareh moteal ast.

ba tashakkor
Bill Rupert